Cornea to reshape the eye care tablets surface
What Is Keratoconus? Keratoconus is a condition of the eye in which the normally round cornea becomes thin and bulging like a cone. What are the symptoms of Keratoconus? Blurred vision Double vision Light Sensitivity Multiple images Eye strain ‘Ghost images’-Appearance like several images when looking at one object What are the causes of Keratoconus? The cause for Keratoconus is unknown. It usually starts in the late teens to early twenties and may continue for several years. What is the treatment for Keratoconus? Several treatments are available today for keratoconus but depending on the severity of keratoconus the treatment is opted. The treatments include: Corneal Cross Linking (CXL): Also known as Corneal Collagen Cross Linking .It strengthens the corneal tissue to halt bulging of the eye’s surface in Keratoconus cornea. Gas permeable contact lenses: These are a kind of contact lenses that are rigid gas permeable that are placed over the cornea thereby replacing its irre...