
Ginseng is a popular herb to improve general well-being

  It protects the body and aid in warding off the effects of pressure and infections. There is a variety of Ginseng. Asian Ginseng (from Chinese and Korean sources) has been used to treat indistinct thinking, diabetes, and male erectile dysfunction. American Ginseng to combat diabetes as well as to reduce the risk of getting the common flu and cold. Siberian Ginseng has been used to reduce the risk of flu and colds and to reduce the severity of herpes simplex-related type 2 illnesses. Read More The most effective way to use Korean Ginseng Take this item in your mouth in a coordinated manner. Be sure to follow all directions on the package. The dose depends on the item used and the kind of Ginseng used. Contact your primary doctor or drug expert if you have any questions. Because Ginseng can cause problems resting, avoid taking it before bedtime. Ginseng is not recommended to be used for long periods of time. Asian Ginseng should not be utilized for more than 90 days at a time, or ...