You Never Thought That Knowing CALCIUM MAGNESIUM AND ZINC Could Be So Beneficial!

 CALCIUM: A Mineral with Multiple Benefits

Calcium is an essential mineral for human life with many health benefits. Calcium is present in some foods, nutritional supplements, and other medications. 

 Calcium plays several important roles  in the body,  from maintaining bone health, assisting blood clotting, transducing signals within cells, and secreting hormones. Calcium also helps  regulate heart rate and muscle contraction and relaxation.

What is magnesium and why does your body need it?

Magnesium is a mineral. If you remember your chemistry class, it's under the "Mg" symbol on the periodic table. Specifically, it is an alkaline earth metal.

Like the metals iron, calcium, and zinc, magnesium plays an important role in bodily function and overall health. The body of a healthy adult contains about 25 grams of magnesium, of which more than half is stored in the skeletal system. Minerals are involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and more than 600 cellular reactions. 

 People consume magnesium-rich foods such as almonds, cashews, and spinach to absorb and replenish magnesium in their body. 

Optimal magnesium levels affect body functions such as:

  • Bone health

‍Magnesium plays a direct and indirect role in maintaining bone health. It directly contributes to bone density and bone crystal formation. It also helps regulate vitamin D levels, which play an important role in calcium absorption, as discussed above.
  • Muscle Health
Magnesium helps muscles relax by binding to muscle cells and counteracting the contractile effect of calcium. Magnesium deficiency makes it difficult for muscle cells to relax, which can lead to cramps and cramps.
  • Glucose Control and Insulin Metabolism
‍Magnesium plays an important role in blood sugar control and insulin metabolism. Low magnesium levels may contribute to insulin resistance, a precursor to type II diabetes.
  • Heart Health
‍As mentioned, magnesium contributes to muscle health, and the heart is primarily made up of muscles. Many people with congestive heart failure are magnesium deficient. Magnesium treatment helps reduce mortality in people with  heart attack  and may reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Brain Health
Magnesium is found at the N-methyldapartate (NMDA) receptors in the  healthy adult brain, preventing unnecessary stimulation of neurons with weak signals. Excessive stimulation of  neurons can cause brain damage.


No one can doubt the importance of zinc in a healthy diet. From blood to  hair, this element can be found in almost every part of the body. That's why you'll be healthier if you include zinc in your diet. 

No one doubts the importance of zinc in a healthy diet. From  blood to  hair, this element can be found in almost every part of the body. That's why including zinc in your diet is good for your health.

Calcium Magnesium And Zinc Tablets are very much beneficial for our health. I tried these capsules of Health Veda Organics they are very much effective and helped a lot fighting me with all health related problem and the tablets are really amazing and best tablets used till date.


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